Elke Hüttner
Head of Division “Climate, Environment, Infrastructure” at Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Elke Hüttner has been with GIZ for 25 years. Since December 2021 she has been holding the position of head of the Division Climate change, Environment and Infrastructure within GIZ’s global division (GloBe). Before joining GIZ, she studied chemical and process engineering and gained significant experience in the private sector and consulting industry. Elke’s first project with GIZ was an environmental programme in cooperation with Argentina’s private sector, followed by positions as head of project and specialist planner at GIZ’s internal thinktank (FMB) focused on topics waste, recycling, industrial environmental protection and the environment. In Chile, she led a programme for renewable energies and energy efficiency as well as a major project on hazardous waste treatment. Before joining GloBe, Elke worked at the FMB for several years, first as Head of the Competence Center for Transport, Sustainable Mobility and Energy and then for 6 years as head of the “Portal for Internal Customers (PiK)” department.